Regina's Story

I have been married since 1974, have two great adult sons, a terrific daughter-in-law, a wonderful grandson, and a delightful grand-daughter. I have served for several years on the board of my church, and have served in a variety of volunteer positions in the community.

I spent 14 years in the field of nursing with an emphasis on mental health. I returned to school in 1983 to complete a BA in psychology and sociology from William Jewell college in Liberty, Missouri. I worked several years under supervision doing group and individual counseling while completing a MA in counseling. During this time I developed a vision for Creative Life Skills Consulting.

In 1996 I completed my CSAC II certification, and now work as an addiction/prevention counselor, with an emphasis on family systems. I have a total of 25 years in the mental health field, and continuously update my education.

I believe God gave us everything we need to succeed in life, but sometimes we need help identifying our strengths and weaknesses. We often need guidance in developing life skills and help to identify faulty belief systems. We can then renew our beliefs/minds, and begin to see ourselves more the way God sees us and experience the love He has for us. I believe God has placed me in this ministry, and I take it very seriously.

“...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:31

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