From Regina's Desk

The One Who Loves


As I was reviewing my thoughts on Valentine's Day I thought of how much I love my husband of 28 years. Reflecting over the years I thought about the times that I have been separated from him due to his job, or my ministry, and how much I missed being away from him. I thought about how much I trusted him, believed in him, and how much I knew he loved me. During the times we were separated I would sit sometimes and just think about him, and the warmth of his love for me would shower over me. At times he would write me love notes to remind me of his love and devotion to me.

I began to think about God’s love for each of us. When we separate ourselves from him God longs to have contact with us. I believe that He waits to hear our voice, and for us to return to spend time with Him. He loves us so much that He could not stand a permanent separation from us, so He sent His son to pay the ultimate permanent price for ALL of our sins and to pay our debt IN FULL so that we could be fully united with Him.

A parent loves his child so much that there is virtually nothing that child can do to destroy the love that parent has for the child. There may be disappointment, hurt, anger, grief, but not the loss of love, yet why is it so hard for us to believe that the love that God the Father has for us is so fragile and conditional that we will lose it if we make a mistake? Why do we feel that the love of the Father is something we have to work for and earn the right to have?

The bible tells us that God is love, so where we see the word love we can substitute God for it. In I Corinthians 13, the love chapter, we can then substitute God for all of the characteristics of what love is. It becomes clear that God isn’t all of the things we were once fearful of. He is patient, He is kind, He is slow to anger, He doesn’t keep track of our sins, He never looks back, He never gives up, and we can trust Him always.

What a beautiful thing to have someone who loves you so much that He was willing to lay His life down, sustain all of the evil of the world and of sin, so that we might live in total freedom, total love, total forgiveness, and total peace. As much as my husband loves me, not even he could give me that.

Remember as you go through your day’s activities that there is one who cherishes you so much that you are NEVER off of His mind, and are forever engraved upon His heart. You are the permanent valentine of His life.

In God’s Love Always,


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